Mining Institute
Separate subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Federal Research Center «Kola Science Center » (MI KSC RAS)
Lukichyev Sergey Vyacheslavovich
Director of the MI KSC RAS (separate division) , Doctor of Technical Sciences
Opalev Aleksandr Sergeevich
Leading Researcher / Deputy Director for Scientific Work , Candidate of Technical Sciences
Nagovitsyn Oleg Vladimirovich
Chief Research Officer / Deputy Director for Scientific Work , Doctor of Technical Sciences
The Mining Institute of the KSC RAS carries out fundamental and applied research aimed at obtaining new knowledge in the field of mining Sciences - the development of the Russian mineral resource base on the basis of an integrated approach to mining, processing of ore and man-made raw materials, equipment modernization and solving environmental problems.
It is the only academic mining Institute in the North-West of Russia, which plays a leading role in the scientific support the development of the main mining enterprises located in the Russian part of the Barents region.
The Institute occupies a leading position in a number of priority fundamental and applied areas of mining Sciences, such as the development of ore deposits in complex geological conditions; the creation of modern information and computer technologies in mining; geomechanical security of mining; complex processing of mineral raw materials; underground construction technology of special facilities for public use; the use of underground space for long-term disposal of radioactive waste and the creation of low-power underground nuclear power plants; conservation and development of man-made deposits; monitoring of man-made impact on the environment according to satellite observations; restoration of natural ecosystems.
Scientific bases development of application for information technologies and methods of computer modeling for ore mining and processing industry for solving problems of rational and safe development of mineral resources.
Development of scientific bases for sustainable nature management in the Russian Arctic, including the creation of environmental friendly technologies for the rational production and processing of natural and man-made mineral raw materials.
Study of physical-technical and engineering-geological problems of construction underground facilities and rational use of the country underground space, including for nuclear power facilities and underground disposal of radioactive waste.
Study of the properties and stress state of rock massifs, improvement of methods to ensure geodynamic safety in the conduct of mining, production and transportation of hydrocarbons.
Improvement of production technology in order to improve the efficiency and safety of mining.
Development and improvement of mineral processing technologies and equipment for mineral processing.
Scientific bases development of methods, technologies and means of research of the earth's surface and subsoil.