Northern Energetics Research Centre

Northern Energetics Research Centre - Branch of the Federal Research Centre "Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (NERC KSC RAS)

815-55-74-434; 79-312 (секр.)

Селиванов Василий Николаевич

Selivanov Vasiliy Nikolaevich

Leading Researcher , Candidate of Technical Sciences

Минин Валерий Андреевич

Minin Valeriy Andreevich

Deputy Director for Scientific Work , Candidate of Technical Sciences

Ивонин Виктор Владимирович

Ivonin Viktor Vladimirovich

Scientific Secretary


Scientific research in the field of hydropower on the Kola Peninsula began in the post war years. In 1950, during the reorganization of the Kola Scientific base in the Kola branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, it included the Department of hydropower, whose main task was to study the hydropower resources of the Kola Peninsula in order to justify the construction of hydroelectric power plants. In 1961 on the basis of Department the Laboratory of power engineering and complex water problems of Mining and Metallurgical Institute of KFAN of the USSR was created. The results of extensive studies of hydropower resources of the Kola Peninsula were used in the preparation of the hydropower inventory and the creation of the Serebryansky and Teribersky cascades of hydroelectric power plants.

In the late 50s - early 60s, the intensive development of the Murmansk regional economy and the energy system of the Kola Peninsula put forward new tasks for the heating of industrial enterprises and cities, as well as for the construction and operation of thermal power plants. The Department of energy is involved in a comprehensive research work to optimize the fuel and energy balance of the Murmansk and neighboring regions.

In 1973, the Department of energy was allocated as an independent unit at the Presidium of the USSR KFAN, and in 1990 on the basis of the Department of energy was established Institute of physical and technical problems of energy North Kola research center RAS, which existed until 2004.

On the basis of the resolution of Presidium of Kola Science Center of RAS of March 25, 2004 N 2 the Branch of the Kola Science Center of RAS - created the Northern Energetic Research Centre as the separate structural division of the Kola scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In different years the Laboratory - Department - Institute - Center was headed by: Ph. D. Grigoriev S. V.; Ph. D. Markov P. I.; Ph. D. Panin A. P.; Ph. D. Stepanov I. R.; Ph. D. Papin A. A.; Ph. D. Elokhin V. R.

Since 2000, the Institute is headed by a corresponded member of Russian Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences, doctor of technical science Efimov B. V.

Study the problems of reliable and efficient power supply to consumers in the specific conditions of the North and the use of electricity in the technologies of extraction and processing of mineral raw materials.

Research and justification of environmentally and socially effective ways of energy development, according the regional specifics in the new economic conditions.