Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Organizing Committee of the International Conference "Magmatism of the Earth and Related Strategic Metal Deposits" announces that the Conference will be provided on September 6-10, 2022
Scientific Program
The conference is focused upon fundamental and applied aspects of geodynamics, geochemistry, petrology and mineralogy of the magmatism and related deposits of “critical elements”.
The official Conference languages is English and Russian
Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceedings will be published as a collection of Conference papers with the Russian Science Citation Index.
Please prepare your materials for publication using MS Word (.doc or .docx). The text should be in English, 3-5 pages long, with 2.5 cm fields from all sides, 12 pt Times New Roman font, single spaced.
Registration Fee
Early registration | Late registration |
Foreign participant | 200 EUR | 300 EUR |
Foreign students | 100 EUR | 150 EUR |
CIS participant | 3000 RUB | 6000 RUB |
CIS students | 1000 RUB | 2000 RUB |
One-day field excursions:
1. Layered complex of the Lovozero agpaitic nepheline-syenite massif.
2. Mineralogical objects of the Kola Peninsula: Marchenko peak, Eveslogchorr (Khibiny alkaline massif).
3. The Kovdor alkaline-ultrabasic massif: rocks of the carbonatite complex and others.