Bryophytes: systematics, distribution, ecology, protection
dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Before the start of the event
DATE23 - 28 august 2024

We are pleased to invite you to take part in the International Bryological Conference and field school for young Scientists "Bryophytes: systematics, distribution, ecology, protection", dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


  • Polar Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Murmansk Branch of the Russian Botanical Society
  • Project Office for Arctic Development

Important dates

May 15, 2024
the end of pre-registration
May 20, 2024
the second information letter
August 1, 2024
the third information letter, preliminary conference program


Different aspects of studying all bryophyte groups. The final theme of the sectional meetings will be determined at a later date, based on an analysis of the applications received.


Languages of Conference: Russian, English.

Accommodation: Information on accommodation will be provided in the second circular.

Registration fee: 100 euro (for students and postgraduates – 50 euro). The details for payment of the registration fee will be given in the Second information letter. Registration fee:

Transport accessibility: Travel to Apatity is mostly by train ( from St.-Petersburg (it takes 24 hours) and Moscow (it takes 33 hours) or by airplane from Moscow and St.-Petersburg (2 hours to Murmansk airport and then 3 hours to Apatity by bus or car, or two hours to the “Khibiny” airport ( Murmansk airport is located about 200 km from Apatity, so you will need to additionally travel by train, bus or minibus. Since the Conference will be held during the high season, please, book your tickets in advance.

Second information letter
Third information letter
Conference program

Registration is available on line: up to May 15-th 2024.

Preliminary Agenda

August 23th, Friday – Arrival and accommodation in hotel of Scientific Station of Kola Science Center. Excursion to the arboretum.

August 24th, Saturday – Welcome, plenary session, oral presentation

August 25th, Sunday – Oral presentation, poster presentation. Furshet.

August 26th, Monday – Field excursion on Western slopes of Khibiny Mountains. Study of collected specimens, discussions .

August 27th, Tuesday – Field excursion in central part of Khibiny Mountains. Study of collected specimens, discussions.

August 28th, Wednesday – Field excursion on Vud’yavrcjorr Plato (territory of Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden).

August 29th, Thursday – Study of collected specimens, discussions.

August 30th, Friday – Departure.

Please note that depending on the weather and the composition of the Conference participants, the places of excursions may be changed. Also, depending on weather, the days with presentation may change with the days of excursions.

Organizing committee
address: 18a Akademgorodok str., 184209, Apatity, Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden Kola Science Center of RAS