Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that the International Symposium «Spatial approach to nature conservation on the European North: from theory to practice» (8th International Scientific Conference "Geographic basis of the Ecological Networks establishment in Northern Eurasia") will be held in Murmansk Province in April 2020.
Appreciation of the importance of the green corridors between nature conservation areas (protected natural territories) has been growing across the globe in recent years. The countries of Europe and the Caucasus successfully form the Emerald Pan-European Network of important sites protecting biodiversity, including the EC Network Nature-2000.
In 2010, the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, the Ministry of the Environment of Finland, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the development of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia.
Our Symposium will evaluate the success of the ongoing projects on ecological networking as well as identify factors and challenges affecting their progress. It aims to bring together stakeholders from the sectors of research, conservation, and industrial management as well as governmental policies, in order to increase mutual understanding and elaborate solutions for the possible conflicts of interests.
The Symposium will be organized in the Kola Science Center, in Apatity, Murmansk Province, Russia, in the preliminary dates are 20–24 April 2020.
The official languages
The official languages are Russian and English, including talks and papers. Oral presentations 30 minutes long in plenary session, 15 minutes in other sessions, 5 minutes in a poster session.
Materials for publication
Short papers in the required format (see below) are to be submitted by email to the conference
address: by 20th February 2020. The short papers will be published until the
conference at the website of the Institute Notifications on short papers acceptance
will be sent by e-mail up to March 15, 2020
Publication format requirements
The short paper should not exceed 5000 characters, including spaces. Authors are asked to avoid
using indentation for paragraphs or blank spaces before lines, abbreviations in the text, footnotes,
tables, and figures. Italics can be used only for Latin names of species.
If you have to apply for a Russian visa, please check with the Russian Visa Center in your country as documents required could differ. A tourist visa can be obtained via tourist agencies in your country; this usually required the accommodation to be booked in advance. A business visa will need an official invitation from the Conference organizers. Please contact the Organizing Committee for assistance.
Travel Information.
Night train from St.-Petersburg to Apatity takes 24 hours, and from Moscow – 33 hours
( Flights from St. Petersburg and Moscow to Murmashi airport (Murmansk) take 2–2.5
hours; the then-coach trip from Murmansk to Apatity is about 3.5 hours.
Flights from St. Petersburg or Moscow to the Khibiny airport (Apatity) take 1.5-2 hours
There is a big choice of hotels and apartments in Apatity; information is available at, and
The hotel nearest to the Conference venue is ‘Ametist’ Hotel (, which is
situated in the center of Apatity. It offers standard single, double or twin, and standard quadruple
Current information on the Symposium is available at
We offer guided walks around Kirovsk city center, visiting the Museum and Exhibition Center of PhosAgro Group (, the Museum of Development of the North in Apatity, and Geological Museum of Kola Science Center in Apatity.
Please fill in on-line registration forms by 31
January 2020.
Your early registration is highly desirable as it will help with obtaining funds for the
conference and decrease of the registration fee. Information about registration fees and the
accommodation will be circulated in the 2
nd Information letter.